Saturday, January 3, 2009

2008 Roundup

By my calculations, I read 26 books from 'The List' this year, plus another half dozen or more that were not on the list. Not bad considering I didn't get started in earnest until late spring. This year I'll need to make up for some lost ground. I'm most of the way through 'Love in the Time of Cholera' right now and received several more books for Christmas.

I am working from the first edition list of 1001 Books You Should Read Before You Die. There was an updated version this year that changed several of the books, but I figure I'll stick with the one I started with.

It has been a great year of reading and I'm looking forward to seeing what new authors I'll discover this year.


Mike said...

Love in the Time of Cholera is on the short list of best novels I've read.

Is The Crying of Lot 49 on your list? Should be, if it's not. If you're taking requests, I would LOVE for you to read it.

Dave said...

I have officially added it to my list of things to read. It is on the 1001 list. It will be the first Pynchon I've read. I understand he he has a new one about to be released or something as well.

Mike said...

I didn't know Pynchon was still around. Let me know when you're reading it if you think about it, I'd like to read it again.